March 19, 2008


My name is Claudia and I was emotionally abused.

Jeremy is my ex-husband and my abuser.

We met in 1998 and instantly hit it off. We had a great time together and really got along well...or so I thought. In hind-sight (which we all know is 20/20) we really didn't, but at the time...well, you know.

We lived together until we married in 2003, and in 2006, after many problems, a stint with a marriage counselor, and his cheating on me (twice), we split up. He moved back to Syracuse and I stayed in NJ. The divorce was finalized on May 2, 2007.

My cat is Luna - she was a gift from him. But as time went on (and I'll end up writing about that), he abused her just as he abused me. As part of our divorce settlement, she became mine - 100%. Safe forever from the abuse.

This blog is my attempt at regaining my life and exorcising the demons that he left me with. Every day I am bombarded with the memories of the horrors he put me through - and Luna too, in an attempt to "get to me". The names, the insults, the curses, the jokes at my expense, and even the physical abuse that happened once or twice.

I've read that rather than suppressing my memories in order to cope, I should write about them. I'll write about them here. When one floods over me, I'll write about it here. If no one reads it, at least it'll be therapy for me. If someone does find this blog, I hope that if they're suffering like I did - and still do from the memories - that they'll find solace in knowing they're not alone.

I'm in a wonderful relationship now with a wonderful man, but its been a long road to get here. And I know I have a long road ahead of me... With the patience and support of my new love, I've come a long way. But I know I have farther to go. And I hope here I'll be able to get to where I want to be.